
Sex(less) Drive

If you’re wondering why you’re never in the mood for some sexual healing, it could be because of numerous things. From your schedule to whether or not your subconscious is on the same page with your sexual needs- it all affects your needs as well as your overall performance. We’ll name a few and you can make judgments under your own terms.

Being overly occupied
If there’s one thing that can kill your sex drive faster, it’s having a hundred + one things to do. You’re secretly prioritizing when you should do your laundry, when your sister’s birthday is again, what you’ll do when your friend Charlie comes in from New York, how many hours of sleep you’ll get after this, and don’t forget whether or not that charge will post on your account in the morning. With all that going on its no wonder you can’t get an erection/get lubricated the way you need to for some pleasurable exercise.

Underlying conflicts

Through numerous studies, it’s been proven that women are most self-conscious about their bodies. If it’s the first time they’re going to engage in intimacy, there’s a chance that they’re thinking about how they look at that angle instead of focusing on what’s important – reaching that orgasmic level of pure satisfaction.

Stressful day = no mojo in your pants
Above all else, stress is the biggest cock-block to ever roam the earth. It’s practically impossible to get in the mood when you’re stressed out about something. Whatever it is will inevitably take over your emotions; take over your mind- inevitably, taking over your sexual performance. Do yourself a favor, take a deep breath & exhale. Let go of the stress and try to concentrate on how hot your partner looks, hopefully that’ll get things moving in the right direction.

These are some of the few, but some of the few that are most detrimental. Just remember to clear your mind and enjoy the ride!

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