
Indications that you may just be a booty call

You’re either reading this post because you’re overly curious to what a “booty call” is or you’ve got suspicions about being only a booty call to that someone. Here are some telltale signs that they might only be using you for your goods. It’s an unfortunate predicament but it happens more often than you’d assume.

We figured that knowing is better than not knowing. You can read our key indicators and make your own assumptions.

-You text more than you talk
The more limited your conversation is with this specific “someone” the more suspicious you should be. You’ll notice that they rarely call and almost always text when they want to talk. The less personal the conversation is, the less they have an emotional connection to you.

-They always seem to be “too busy” to hang out when you want to

If you were of any importance in their life, they would make some time for you (not time to hook up) – we mean real quality time. If they only spend time with you before/after you hook-up it should raise a huge red flag; to put it in layman’s terms they only spend time with you when they’ve gotten laid or are about to get laid.

-They refuse to meet your friends or are “too busy”
Again, this reaffirms the “no-emotional” connection they’d like to maintain in your relationship. The less they know about you, the better. The only thing they really need you for is... (we’ll let you fill in the blank). Just keep in mind that any real relationship requires some type of emotional investment, if they refuse to invest time to meet the people that are important to you – you should question their intentions.

-You can’t recall any in-depth conversation you've had with them... EVER
This is probably the cherry on top - if every conversation you’ve had with them consists of you and them eventually hooking up – consider yourself a booty call. It’s not the most horrible thing in the world; at least you’re aware of it now. Keep in mind that real relationships have value and depth in their conversations and if this person won’t even give you that, kick ‘em to the curb and keep it moving to the next one.

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